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Monday, September 16, 2013

Cute Foreign Film

My daughter has pre-professional dance class for 2 hours on Monday nights and 3 hours on Thursday nights.  The dance studio isn't in our neighborhood so sometimes it's easier to drop her off and just stay until she's done.  I only do that on Monday nights.  Thursday nights I can usually convince her older brother to go get her if he can drive my car.  My car is nothing special - he just doesn't want to use his gas!

Some of you may think that I am wasting productive time by sitting and waiting at dance class.  I actually look forward to this time.  Sometimes I do my blog.  Sometimes I work on my resume.  Sometimes I read a book.  Sometimes I make my grocery list.  All of it done uninterrupted.  Tonight, I got to watch a movie from start to finish.  It was one of the cutest, little lighthearted movies I've seen in a while.
 The title is "Romantics Anonymous".  It's a French film with English subtitles.  It's a romantic comedy that takes place in a chocolatier.  Romance and chocolate?  Need I say more?

"I'm sorry but it won't work. I love you and I know you love me. But it's a recipe for disaster. We'll get to know each other, warts and all. We'll annoy each other, stop communicating, and end up hating each other. I don't want that. We're both emotional.It's a recipe for disaster. We're not strong enough. We understand each other, only too well. We'll pull each other down like two people drowning. Our struggling will only make us sink faster.I don't want to sink. Or drown, even with you. So... we should stop now."  -Angelique Delange (Romantics Anonymous)

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