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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Flyer With Just The Words I Needed To Hear Tonight

I rode the train to work today.  I parked at my local "Park & Ride" Station and then rode the 35 miles to my office by train.  After work, I rode the train home and was in a hurry to get to my car and get to my daughter's school to pick her up from play practice.  I didn't notice the flyer on my windshield until I came to a stoplight.  I jumped out of my car, grabbed the flyer and hopped back in.

I glanced at the heading on the flyer and it said IN HANDS.  I stuffed it my bag and didn't give it a second thought until I was cleaning out my bag before bed tonight.  I try to stay away from political or religious thoughts on my blog, not because I'm not religious or political but because I want to end the day on a good note, not one that may cause controversy.  I'm making an exception to that rule tonight.

Here is what the flyer said.  I will let you make your own judgements and assumptions.  For me, it was just what I needed to hear/read right before bedtime.

A basketball in my hands is about $19
A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is about $33 million
It all depends on whose hands it's in

A baseball in my hands is about $7
A baseball in Roger Clemens hands is worth about $4.75 million
It all depends on whose hands it's in

A tennis racket in my hands is useless
A tennis racket in Andre Agassi's hands is worth millions
It all depends whose hands it's in

A rod in my hands will keep an angry dog away
A rod in Moses hands will part a mighty sea

A slingshot in my hands is a toy....
A slingshot in David's hands is a mighty weapon

Two fish and five loaves of bread in my hands are a few fish sandwiches
Two fish and five loaves in Jesus' hands will feed thousands
It all depends whose hands it's in

Nails in my hands may produce a bird house
Nails in Jesus' hands will produce salvation for the entire world
It all depends whose hands it's in

As you can see now, it all depends whose hands it's in.  
So read the Bible, put your worries, your fears, your hopes, your dreams,
Your family and your relationships in God's hands because....
It all depends whose hands it's in!!

This message is now in your hands

It all depends whose hands it's in....

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