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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pizza Bread

I've been on a roll lately with quick family dinners and tonight's was not exception.  It was literally "a roll", a pizza roll.  It took only a few ingredients and very little time to prepare.  From start to the dinner table was about 40 minutes - most of that was cooking time. 

I started with a loaf of frozen bread dough.  I let it rise all day today in a covered glass dish.  I covered the dish and dough with plastic wrap and then draped a clean towel over the top.  Once it had thawed and risen completely, I rolled it into a rectangle making sure that it was very thin.  Then I brushed it with a mixture of 2 egg yolks (save the whites for a little later), a Tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of dried oregano leaves, a teaspoon of dried parsley, and a half a teaspoon of garlic powder.  You could also use Italian seasoning or any combination of pizza spices that you like.

I spread pepperoni slices over the top and then sprinkled on a generous amount of mozzarella cheese. 
Very carefully, I rolled up the dough from long side to long side.  I did this very slowly, making sure to tuck in the cheese and pepperoni.
Then I brushed the dough with the saved egg whites and put it in a 375 degree oven for between 30 to 40 minutes - until it was golden brown.  Move it to a cutting board and let it sit for a few minutes to set.
While it cooled, I heated up a jar of pizza sauce for dipping.
Lastly, I cut it into wedges and let everyone serve themselves. 
This recipe can also be used with ham and swiss cheese or smoked turkey and sharp cheddar cheese.  Just vary the spice combination to suit your meat and cheese choice, while still using the egg yolks and olive oil.  It's a hit with my family!

"There's always room for improvement.  And pizza."  -Unknown

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