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Monday, September 15, 2014

Needlework Resource

While at work today, I was listening to the radio and the hosts were answering questions from the listeners about where to shop for certain items. Usually I have my headphones on just for white noise and so I'm only half listening. Today, however, my ears perked up when someone called in and asked about a fiber art store - specifically a place for cross-stitch, embroidery and specialty fabrics. The hosts were perplexed. They could only come up with a couple of knitting stores. Leave it to the other listeners though to come up with an answer.

Quite a number of people called in and suggested Stitchville, USA located in Minnetonka, MN, close to Ridgedale. After looking at their website, it's a place I can't wait to visit! Here's a link so you can check it out for yourself:  www.stitchville.com I think it will be a fun place to take my daughter to - to introduce her to another handicraft. It's so fun to share needle art with her!

"The only place where needlework comes before housework is the dictionary."  -Mary Kurtz

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