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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thankful for Target Pharmacy

There will be some who think this blog post is a little "lame" however those of you who take a daily medication may find this blog post helpful, especially those who don't have a neighborhood pharmacy.  A few years ago, I was diagnosed with nodules on half of my thyroid.  I had half of my thyroid removed (the nodules were thankfully not cancerous).  The remaining half of my thyroid continued to function as well as a whole one until about a year ago.  Now I am tied to a daily pill to make up for the lost thyroid hormone.

I am always forgetting to refill my prescription until the day I run out.  I've been making the trip to the pharmacy at Target, usually in a panic that I haven't gotten there in time to refill my prescription.  Today, just happened to be one of those days.  But, instead of just asking for the refill, paying for my prescription and running out the door, the clerk stopped me to ask if I would like to have this prescription automatically refilled.  I said, "YES!"  She also asked if I would like them to notify my doctor's office when my prescription expires.  Again, I said, "YES!"  My life just got a tiny bit less complicated and I was very appreciative!

This isn't the first time I've had great customer service at the Target pharmacy.  For those of you who've read my blog from the beginning may remember when my middle son broke his wrist and how I found so many things to appreciate even during such a horrible situation.  One of those positive things was the  Target pharmacist who was closing for the night when I came running up to the counter.  I told her, "I know you're closing up for the night and I have a prescription for some pain medication for my son's broken wrist that I just want to drop off.  I'll pick it up as soon as you open in the morning.  How early do you open and can you point me to some over-the-counter pain medication that he could take until I can get his prescription in the morning?"  She poo-pooed me and took that prescription from me and said that my son would not have to wait until the next day for his pain medication.  She would fill it right now!  I got tears in my eyes and couldn't stop thanking her.

So sometimes it's the little things that seem so "normal" or "lame" that turn an otherwise ordinary day into a pleasurable one.

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole world turned around."  -Willie Nelson

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