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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Almost A+ Pumpkin Spice Rice Crispy Treats

My daughter came home from our neighbor's house yesterday, very excited over some rice crispy treats she had eaten.  I had only ever heard of regular crispy treats and red velvet ones (which I've shared on a previous blog).  These new treats were special because they were made with pumpkin spice marshmallows.  How clever!  My neighbor used the regular rice crispy treat recipe and just swapped out the regular marshmallows for the pumpkin spice ones.

We found out that our neighbor got the pumpkin spice marshmallows at ALDI so my daughter and I ran over there tonight to get some.  Of course they were all out!  Not being ones to give up too easy, we tried Target and Walmart to see if we could find any there.  We didn't find any at either store but we were determined that we were going to make pumpkin spice rice crispy treats tonight.

We thought we'd try a little experiment to see if we could make them by using pumpkin spice cookie mix.
We took mini marshmallows (the entire bag),
and three tablespoons of butter,
and melted them together in a saucepan.

Once melted, we added 3/4 cup of the pumpkin spice cookie mix and made sure it was combined well.
Then we poured 6 cups of the rice crispy cereal into a large bowl.

We poured the pumpkin spice/marshmallow mixture over the top and made sure all of the cereal was well coated.
My daughter let me press the mixture into the pan - since it was so sticky.
I let her taste test them before we shared them with her dad and her brother.  She gave them a thumbs up and said that they tasted really good but they could be "more spicy".  So.....when I make these again, I will add some actual pumpkin pie spice to them as well as the cookie dough mix.  The "boys" in our family, thought they were just fine the way they are!!!

"Bake with love."  -Manuela Kjeilen

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