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Monday, November 11, 2013

New Bread Baking Cookbook

Yesterday on the radio, the name of a book made me turn up the radio and listen a little more closely.  The topic was about baking bread.  This is something I always wish I had more time for because the process can take hours.  Now I am changing my mind on the "hours" idea based on the book I heard about and after doing a little research on-line today, I am really excited to get this cookbook and try out the wonderful/easy sounding recipes.

The cookbook is The New Artisan Cookbook in Five Minutes a Day:  The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking by Jeff Hertzberg, MD and Zoe Francois.
You can find it on Amazon and can read a portion of it.  It's also available at Barnes & Noble - both on-line and in stores.  I am intrigued by all the different kinds of flour you can use and the effect your flour choice can have on flavor and denseness of the bread.  The recipes and philosophy seem super easy to follow and the pictures make me want to test out every single recipe!  There's nothing better than the smell of fresh bread baking.  Just makes my house seem so much cozier.  I definitely carve out 5 minutes a day for something as delicious as warm, artisan bread!

"Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts."  -James Beard


  1. I want to get this book too. The previous version has been on my wish list. My father-in-law and his wife were making the basic recipe for a while and really liked it and said it was easy to do everyday. I like to use my breadmaker when I do make homemade bread. And I agree, nothing like the smell of fresh bread in the house!

  2. I use my bread machine too but only to mix the dough. I like to roll it out and then let it rise again. I have trouble with getting consistency with the dough if I do it all by hand. Something I hope this new cookbook will remedy!
