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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Great Tasty Blog

Today, like every Saturday, I listened to one of my favorite local Saturday radio shows, The Weekly Dish.  It was was a re-broadcast but it was every bit as interesting today as it was the first time I heard it.  This time though, I took the next step and researched the blog of their guest.  It is a FABULOUS blog for anyone who likes to eat, is conscientious about what they eat and wants to eat locally grown foods.

The blog is called Simple, Good and Tasty.  Here is a link  simplegoodandtasty.com  I spent the afternoon looking over the blog's 2013 Gift Guide.  I really want to check out the cookbook they suggested - Minnesota Bounty:  The Farmer's Market Cookbook.  I love to cook and I love the Minneapolis Farmers' Market.  I'm also hoping to have a garden next summer full of Minnesota hearty produce.  This cookbook sounds perfect for helping me turn my Farmers' Market and home produce into something my family will eat......and enjoy.

I also read about grouse hunting, making really yummy non-alcoholic drinks for special occasions,  how to make rhubarb ketchup that I know my middle son would love, CSAs, foraging for morels.....and many, many more interesting blogs.  I'm hooked!  I can't wait until they start blogging again in the New Year!

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."  -Ann Wigmore

1 comment:

  1. I purchased the St. Paul Farmer's Market cookbook one year at the market and really like it. It's handy because whatever I purchase from the farmer's market, I always find a way to prepare it in the cookbook. Especially if it's a veggie I haven't tried before. I'll have to check out the Minneapolis one too. Thanks for sharing the info on the blog - it looks interesting too! Wishing you the best in 2014!
