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Friday, December 27, 2013

Three New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year when people start talking of New Years' Resolutions.  There are the old standards......eat less, exercise more, get more sleep, balance your budget and so on.  While all of those are worthwhile resolutions, I like something a little more creative.

I'm going to make three resolutions:

#1 - I am 47 years old so I am going to try to read 47 books next year.  Because I take the train to work most days I have plenty of time to read.  I've also been reading during my lunch hour so I have been going through books about every other day.  I know this is a huge undertaking but I'm going to give it a try!

#2 - Also going along with the age theme, I am going to try to watch 47 movies next year.  This one might be a little easier to do since we try to have family movie night every Friday night.

Both of these ideas I got from my neighbor Keri.  She is making great progress in reading through the number of books her age and in watching the number of movies her age.

#3 - For this one, again working with the age theme, I am going to do 47 works of service.  I'm not talking volunteering at the soup kitchen every weekend, even though I will do that once in while.  I'm talking about helping someone load groceries in the car, giving a ride home to someone who might have otherwise had to walk in the cold, paying for some random person's coffee order at Starbucks......  This one I think will be the easiest to do.  I'm hoping to go over 47!

I will keep you updated on my progress.  I may need some encouragement as the weeks roll on!  I'm interested in hearing what other's resolutions are - we could encourage each other!

 "Let our New Year's resolution be this:  we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word."  -Goran Persson

1 comment:

  1. I tried a challenge to read 100 books in one year but I kind of forgot about it as the year went on. lol! Don't know if you're familiar with Shelfari, but that's where I keep track of the books I've read and want to read. Good luck with your goals!
