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Friday, June 7, 2013

Sharing Dinner

My middle son plays baseball on a traveling baseball team.  Last weekend we were in Rochester, MN for a tournament.  One of the other moms of one of the players had just been released from the hospital after having surgery.  She took it very easy and said that she was getting more rest being in the hotel than at home with all of her other small children.  Nonetheless, by the middle of this week, she was back in the operating room with complications.

When I heard that she was very limited in her activities until next week, I decided that I should bring her and her family a meal.  I can remember as a child when my mom would bring food to someone who was sick or who had lost a loved one.  I can also remember being in a similar situation and when a friend showed up at the door with a dinner already prepared, I weeped with gratitude!

I have a great recipe for a Ravioli Casserole that is a little like lasagna.  It comes from a cookbook that has a lot of other great recipes.

 I thought this would be the perfect dish to share.  First you boil ravioli noodles.  You can any kind - meat or cheese filled.  I've also used tortellini.  A 24 oz. bag of either works great!
From a large jar of spaghetti sauce, use two large spoonfuls to coat the bottom of a greased pan.
Strain the noodles and place half of them in the prepared pan.

Pour about 1 1/4 cups of sauce over the noodles.

Spread 1 cup of cottage cheese and 2 cups of mozzarella cheese on next.

Repeat these layers with the other half of noodles.  Top with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese and bake in a 350 degree oven for about 40 minutes.  Let it sit a bit before serving.
I don't normally like leftovers but this dish is even better the second day!

I brought this casserole, a Caesar salad kit and garlic bread for the family to share.  I also put together a "Movie Night" bag with bottled water, juice boxes, microwave popcorn, candy and fruit snacks.  I thought it might make a quiet night inside more enjoyable for Mom and her littlest children.  I know I enjoyed putting it all together!

"Bread for myself is a material question.  Bread for my neighbor is a spiritual one."  -Nikolai Berdyaev

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