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Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Yarn Wreath

I'm starting to get ready for a little girl knitting party that my daughter and I are hosting on Saturday morning.  I've been baking and cleaning and I decided to make a little decoration to welcome our guests.  I thought a wreath made out of yarn would be an appropriate addition to our front door.  Here's how I did it.

I used a pencil and some yarn to make a protractor that in turn would make a circle on a piece of sturdy cardboard.  I needed a big outside circle and a little inside circle.

Then I used a utility knife to cut out the circles.  It doesn't have to be perfectly round.  You'll see why in the next few steps.

So you don't see the cardboard underneath the "balls of yarn", wrap the cardboard with whatever you have on hand.  I had some scrap fabric that I cut into about 5" by 8" strips and alternated them around the wreath.  I used hot glue to adhere it to the cardboard and itself.

To make the "balls of yarn", use multiple sizes of styrofoam balls.
Dab on a little hot glue and stick the end of the yarn into the glue - be careful so you don't burn yourself!

Wrap the yarn around the ball until it is completely covered.
Follow this step with multiple size styrofoam balls and different weight, type and color yarns.

When you have many balls covered, arrange them on the wreath before gluing them down.  Once they're arranged how you would like them, put on a big dab of hot glue and press the ball into it.
I added some old wooden knitting needles.
Here is the finished wreath!  Can't wait for our guests to see it!!

"Welcome ever smiles, And farewell goes out sighing."  -William Shakespeare

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