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Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Five Kernels of Corn

Happy Thanksgiving!  Today at each place setting, we placed 5 kernels of corn.
Before our Thanksgiving prayer and subsequent dinner, one of my sons read the story of 5 kernels of corn.  Here's the story he read:

"The story goes that once Thanksgiving became a holiday, the Pilgrims would start their meal with five kernels of corn on their plate.
These five golden kernels represented all the pilgrims had to eat for the entire day during a difficult winter.  The corn that remained was planted in the spring.
At Thanksgiving the five kernels of corn was a reminder that many had nearly starved because of lack of food.
Each pilgrim would stand up and one by one pick up each kernel of corn and share five things they were thankful for on Thanksgiving.
This tradition has been passed on from the early times.
To this day, many families place five kernels of corn on each plate to honor and remember the suffering and spirit of Thanksgiving of our Pilgrim ancestors.  They also take turns sharing five blessings for which they are grateful."

After the story, my mom said that we didn't need to go around and say five blessings but my brother in law interrupted and said, "we can each look around this table and SEE five blessings".  AMEN! 

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.  If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."  -Oprah Winfrey

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