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Saturday, November 17, 2012

"Hukking" - a great idea!

Have you heard of "hukking"?  I hadn't either until today.  While out running errands, I was listening to the radio and they were explaining what "hukking" was.  As soon as I got home, I hopped on the computer and now I'm hooked.  It's an app that you add to your tool bar.  When on a website where you've found a cute sweater or a must have kitchen accessory but it's not at a can have price, you "hukk it".

For example, I was on the GAP website and found a cashmere sweater I really liked.  It was more than I wanted to spend so I hit "huk" on my computer's tool bar.  A little box popped up.  In it, was the sweater and it allowed me to pick the color of sweater I liked.  It also let me choose to be notified when it went on sale, or when it dropped to 30% off or 50% off.  It also let me categorize the item - home, pants, tops, etc.  Then when I go into my hukkster account, I can keep track of the things I'm watching to go on sale.  I will receive notification by email when that sweater goes on sale.  (I could have chosen to be notified by text instead of email.)

Go to www.hukster.com.  Ask for an invite to join the site.  Follow the directions to add "huk" to tool bar.  It doesn't cost a thing and could save you a lot of money.  I think it's AWESOME!

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