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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mango Frozen Yogurt Pops

My boys are constantly eating.  They're very active and need a lot of fuel to stay up right on a snowboard, get A's in school, playing pick up hockey games, work on their dirt bikes and all their other activities.  They also don't have much patience when it comes to making food so I like to have things on hand that they can make quickly or that is already made for them.

When I make waffles, I make extra and freeze them so they can pop them in the toaster as an after school snack.  I bought granola at a food co-op and have lots of yogurt and cut up fruit so they can make their own yogurt parfaits.  I have cheese sticks and cut up carrots for quick finger food.

I also make lots and lots of smoothies and I adapted one of my smoothie recipes as a frozen yogurt pop.  Here are the ingredients and recipe:

You'll need frozen mango chunks, vanilla extract, coconut milk, agave, orange juice and French vanilla yogurt.

 Put three cups of mango chunks in a blender.
Add 1/4 cup of coconut milk.
To this, add 1 Tablespoon of orange juice, 1 Tablespoon agave, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, and 2/3 cups of the yogurt.

Spoon the mixture into popsicle molds.  I used dixie cups that can be peeled away from the popsicle when it freezes and cake pop sticks (popsicle sticks work well too).

Put them in the freezer and as soon as they are solid, they are ready to eat.  They can even be eaten in a bowl like ice cream when they are semi-solid.  I also use this recipe with frozen strawberries, blueberries and cherries.  My kids love them!

"Taste every fruit of every tree in the garden at least once.  It is an insult to creation not to experience it fully.  Temperance is wickedness."  -Stephen Fry

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