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Monday, February 4, 2013

3 Ingredient Appetizer

We had a very successful Super Bowl Party last night but we didn't come any where near eating all of the food I had prepared.  Tonight was a night of leftovers but I didn't get any complaints.  One of the favorites the first and second time around were my Jalapeno, Pepper Jack Cheese and Smoky Bacon Appetizers.  Here's the recipe that only requires three ingredients:

How many jalapenos you'll need depends on how many appetizers you need.  I used 12 large jalapenos and cut them into fourths.  This made more than enough for 7 adults, 2 teenage boys and one 10 year old little girl. 
Cut the jalapenos in half or in thirds or in fourths.  Be sure to wear kitchen safe gloves to keep the juices from burning your hands. 

Place the cut jalapenos center side down on a cookie sheet and broil until the skin starts to bubble and becomes roasted.
Cut slices of pepper jack cheese the width and the length of the jalapeno pieces.
Place a slice of cheese in each jalapeno piece.
Cut the smoked bacon pieces in half.
Wrap the bacon around the jalapeno and cheese.
Place the bacon wrapped jalapenos on a cookie sheet and broil until the bacon becomes crisp and the cheese starts to melt.
Remove from the oven and serve!
"Food is an important part of a balanced diet."  -Fran Lebowitz

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