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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


"Most of all the other beautiful things come by twos and threes by dozens and by hundreds.  Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, but only one mother in the whole world."  -Kate Douglas Wiggin

I am thankful that my one and only mother came through her surgery with a smile on her face and an excellent prognosis.  Now that I am back home, and while everyone else is in bed, I am sitting alone in the dark, reflecting on the day. 

When looking back for those positive moments of the day, I found an abundance........I would highly recommend:

*the Sandford Health Facilities in Sioux Falls, SD as a place to take those you love the most who need special health care;

*traveling for 7 hours in a car in one day with your (or I should say MY) sister....I could've done it for 17, or 27, or 37 hours;

*listening to the Gophers beat No. 1 Indiana on the radio while driving - I am not ashamed to say that I sang the Gopher Fight Song more than once - out loud;

*talking with your dad about your favorite books and historical icons - I now think I need to find out more about Alexander Hamilton;

*brother in laws who know you will be starving and so have dinner ready the second you walk through the door - bless you Mike;

*eldest sons who stay up late to help you set up your new i-phone and not once get impatient with you when you ask multiple times how exactly do you reply to emails;

*daughters who meet you at your car door the second you pull into the garage with hugs and kisses and treat you like you've been gone a month - not just over night;

*middle sons who want to know all the technical details about Grandma's surgery then stop you mid-sentence and just want to know, "is Grandma going to be all right";

*husbands who get the kiddos ready for school, do the dishes, put laundry away, go grocery shopping, take a daughter to dance, fix the water softener, help with homework, solve a car problem;

*moms who are moms even after they've gone through major surgery and tell the nurse, "these are my girls".

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