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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

No Regrets

Tonight as I sit in front of my computer and reflect on the day, there were no crafts done; no great recipes followed or created; no museums visited or restaurants tried.  No fun websites found; no new blogs discovered.  HOWEVER, I did go to my weekly knitting group at my local yarn shop and there was advice dispensed; joy celebrated; compassion given; pain shared; and uplifting conversation had by all.  It was one of the most joyful days I have had in a long time!

I am the youngest in this knitting group by about 15 years.  While the others are grandmas or new mother-in-laws, I'm still in the throes of pre-teen and teenage angst.  Whatever problem I am going through with raising my children, they have already "been there, done that".  That's how one conversation started today.

I was telling the others how I had to have a conversation with my 16 year old in which I told him that he had hurt my feelings and that I am a person, not just his mom.  I am a daughter, a sister, a cousin, an aunt, a niece, a granddaughter......  As I was telling my story, others shared similar conversations they had with their children at some point in their lives.  We came to the conclusion that we all just want to be loved and to be cherished and valued as a person.

This led to a conversation about how we need to lift each other up EVERY DAY.  We need to be sensitive to the feelings of others and teach empathy to our children.  Seems simple but when was the last time you told your children you loved them?  When was the last time you told your spouse how proud you were of him/her?  When was the last time you told a friend what makes him/her special to you?

I remember being so heartbroken at my grandpa's funeral.  I was 33 years old and had two small children but I still felt like that little girl who used to spend time reading with her grandpa in the hammock in her grandparents' backyard.  The most comforting words I heard that day came from my mom.  As she hugged me she said, "You should have no regrets.  Grandpa knew you loved him and he loved you."

I don't want to ever say to myself, I wish I would have told my daughter that I loved her sense of style or I wish I would have framed that awesome photograph my son took and displayed it in a prominent location or I wish I would have a bigger fuss over my son winning an academic award or I wish I would have told my husband what a great dad he is or I wish I would have told my friend that my favorite thing about her is creativity..........

So, from this day forward, as well as looking for something positive each day, I pledge to lift up those around me.   I will not live my life with regrets.

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."  -1 Thessalonians 5:11

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