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Monday, October 8, 2012

Birthday Messages from my daughter

Today is my birthday.  I am now a proud 46 years old.  I have no trouble saying how old am as I am proud of every one of the years I have lived and been loved!  After work today, I got a big sampling of that love. 

I am a list person.  I make lists for everything.  I also leave notes and lists for my family members.  I'm always leaving notes or lists in their lunches, on the kitchen table, taped to their bedroom doors, stuck to the steering wheel (this one works especially well now that I have a 16 year old driver) and so on.  Today, I got wonderful notes from my daughter for my birthday.

She told me she tried to spell "MOM" but couldn't figure out how to make the "M".  So she spelled my first name in sweet and funny quotes and stuck them to my bathroom mirror.  It was one the best birthday gifts I have ever gotten and it didn't cost a thing.

Here are some of the quotes she chose:

I cried when I saw them.  She's only 10 years old but knows her mother's heart very well.  I will continue to leave notes for my children and husband taped to the milk, stuck to the front door, tied to their shoes, hooked on the light switch, laid on their pillow.....because if by doing that I make them feel half as loved as I do now, there's nothing else that matters. 

So leave notes for your loved ones or friends.  Sometimes we can say things in a note that we can't otherwise say.  Let them know that you think they're funny; that you're proud of them; that it's OK that they failed at something - they'll do better next time; that you want them to have a good day; good luck on a test or a big presentation; drive carefully; eat the fruit before the cookies.  Let them know that you're thinking of them always.....even when you're not together.  It may be the one bright spot in their day!

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."  -Leo Buscaglia

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