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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Freezing Squash

I love dreary, rainy days when I have a lot of chores to do inside.  Today was one of those days.  While washing floors, cleaning bathrooms and doing laundry, I was also taking care the bounty of squash I received from my parents' garden.
I don't have a good place to store squash "in its' original state" but I do have plenty of freezer space.  So, armed with a knife I started the process of getting the squash ready for the freezer.  The first thing I did was cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds.

Then I put the squash in a microwave safe bowl and added a little water to the bottom of the bowl.
I covered the bowl with plastic wrap (if I was going to serve this squash right away, I would fill the center with butter and brown sugar before covering the bowl).
Pop the covered bowl(s) into the microwave.  I set my microwave for 30 minutes for the smaller squash and 40 minutes for the bigger ones.  I usually check them once during their microwave time to see if they are getting soft.  Once they are fully cooked (soft/mushy) I remove them from the microwave.
I remove the plastic wrap from the bowls.  Scoop out the squash and put it in a bowl to cool.

I use plastic quart freezer bags.  I label each bag with a marker.
Once the squash is cool, I spoon it into the plastic bag and seal it.
Here's the squash I got ready for the freezer today. 
Tomorrow I will have MORE bags!  We will be well stocked for the winter with squash for side dishes, squash to add to muffins, squash to use with pasta.....squash for just about anything and everything!

"Preserve and treat food as you would your body, remembering that in time food will be your body."  -B.W. Richardson

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