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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Bedtime Radio

Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep.  I have a bad habit of falling asleep to the sounds on the TV.  I do use the sleep timer on our TV, usually set for about an hour.  I can barely hear the sound from the TV as it's just on for white noise to block out the normal night time house noises.  I attribute this to childhood memories - ones of comfort.

My bedroom had a door that connected my room to my parents' bedroom.  Every night, I would be lulled to sleep by their TV, set to the nighttime news or The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.  I couldn't hear what was being said on the programs they watched, but the low murmur was a reassuring sound.  I had that same cozy feeling when we visited my grandparents.  I'd go to bed and through the the bedroom wall I would either hear my grandparents' TV tuned in to M*A*S*H or my grandpa's radio airing a nighttime Major League Baseball game.  I never wanted to be the last one to fall asleep and this background noise made me feel safe.

The last few weekends, Saturday nights to be exact, I have started trying to fall asleep to the radio.  I have my bedside radio set for 830 WCCO (AM).  Between 11pm and 5am, WCCO airs a program called "Imagination Theater".  Listening to it is like being read a bedtime story.  Much more comforting than late night TV!

If you go to the following website and click on "Radio Station Affiliates" on the left side of the page, you can find out what radio station near you carries this program.  jimfrenchproductions.com  You may also listen to past programs by visiting this website and clicking on "LISTEN NOW", also on the left side of the page.  These programs are about 50 minutes in length and are plot twisting mysteries.  Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep because I get so caught up in the story and don't want to fall asleep before the mystery is solved!

"Radio is the theater of the mind; television is the theater of the mindless."  -Steve Allen


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